RUSSELL/NOMURA Japan Style Index (Daily Report)

Russell/Nomura Japan Index ( in USD )

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
11-March-2025 28-February-2025
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1295 100.00 990.63 -0.6462 + 1.8186 -1.14 -0.32 -4.67 +0.16 +1.13
Total Value 994 52.22 2141.38 -0.8208 + 2.4528 -0.03 +1.56 -1.59 +3.86 +2.38
Total Growth 654 47.78 405.52 -0.4548 + 1.1348 -2.31 -2.28 -7.60 -3.30 -0.18
Large 251 84.43 954.71 -0.6913 + 1.6402 -1.28 -0.29 -4.94 -0.08 +1.05
Large Value 176 41.91 1997.13 -0.9004 + 2.2511 -0.15 +1.58 -1.76 +3.43 +2.29
Large Growth 157 42.52 427.32 -0.4843 + 1.0452 -2.36 -2.04 -7.68 -3.08 -0.12
Top 50 51.20 781.56 -0.7672 + 1.2918 -3.29 -1.97 -6.14 -2.25 -1.21
Top Value 32 21.92 1925.14 -0.8936 + 2.2791 -2.63 +0.19 -1.62 +1.32 -0.43
Top Growth 39 29.28 358.53 -0.6723 + 0.5649 -3.78 -3.51 -9.00 -4.56 -1.78
Mid 201 33.23 1310.23 -0.5741 + 2.1821 +2.01 +2.45 -2.88 +3.44 +4.79
Mid Value 144 19.99 1917.13 -0.9078 + 2.2204 +2.71 +3.16 -1.63 +5.86 +5.46
Mid Growth 118 13.25 627.61 -0.0663 + 2.1243 +0.98 +1.41 -4.53 +0.40 +3.81
Mid-Small 1245 48.80 1275.88 -0.5190 + 2.3774 +1.26 +1.49 -3.03 +2.83 +3.75
Mid-Small Value 962 30.29 2119.89 -0.7680 + 2.5788 +1.95 +2.58 -1.49 +5.79 +4.53
Mid-Small Growth 615 18.51 533.92 -0.1087 + 2.0502 +0.14 -0.24 -5.27 -1.18 +2.50
Small 1044 15.57 1188.24 -0.4011 + 2.7963 -0.32 -0.51 -3.10 +1.58 +1.58
Small Value 818 10.31 2342.68 -0.4957 + 3.2808 +0.50 +1.48 -0.97 +5.78 +2.75
Small Growth 497 5.26 384.06 -0.2152 + 1.8643 -1.87 -4.11 -6.83 -5.19 -0.61
Smallcore 348 10.64 201.51 -0.4121 + 2.4887 -0.66 -0.78 -2.56 +2.84 +1.28
Smallcore Value 260 6.89 307.27 -0.5091 + 3.0773 +0.08 +1.12 -0.76 +6.19 +2.48
Smallcore Growth 180 3.75 71.74 -0.2333 + 1.4322 -1.96 -4.01 -5.46 -2.20 -0.80
Micro 696 4.93 236.18 -0.3774 + 3.4666 +0.42 +0.09 -4.11 -0.73 +2.22
Micro Value 558 3.42 334.35 -0.4685 + 3.6918 +1.36 +2.20 -1.19 +5.21 +3.30
Micro Growth 317 1.51 74.07 -0.1703 + 2.9576 -1.65 -4.36 -10.14 -11.91 -0.13
Prime 996 98.69 1609.54 -0.6496 + 1.7998 -1.16 -0.33 -4.67 +0.19 +1.12
Prime Value 753 51.24 2073.31 -0.8270 + 2.4316 -0.05 +1.54 -1.56 +3.85 +2.36
Prime Growth 524 47.44 1155.73 -0.4572 + 1.1263 -2.32 -2.25 -7.58 -3.19 -0.17

PRICE RETURN (without dividend income)(in USD)

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
11-March-2025 28-February-2025
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1295 100.00 1919.94 -0.6462 + 1.8186 -1.11 -0.15 -3.59 +2.47 +1.17
Total Value 994 52.22 4604.66 -0.8208 + 2.4528 +0.00 +1.74 -0.14 +6.92 +2.42
Total Growth 654 47.78 709.05 -0.4548 + 1.1348 -2.28 -2.11 -6.84 -1.65 -0.14
Large 251 84.43 1857.39 -0.6913 + 1.6402 -1.27 -0.14 -3.87 +2.16 +1.08
Large Value 176 41.91 4332.95 -0.9004 + 2.2511 -0.14 +1.73 -0.31 +6.44 +2.32
Large Growth 157 42.52 752.72 -0.4843 + 1.0452 -2.34 -1.89 -6.92 -1.45 -0.10
Top 50 51.20 1568.78 -0.7672 + 1.2918 -3.28 -1.89 -5.11 -0.12 -1.19
Top Value 32 21.92 4291.97 -0.8936 + 2.2791 -2.61 +0.24 -0.14 +4.26 -0.41
Top Growth 39 29.28 659.61 -0.6723 + 0.5649 -3.76 -3.40 -8.22 -2.93 -1.76
Mid 201 33.23 2448.19 -0.5741 + 2.1821 +2.03 +2.72 -1.74 +5.89 +4.83
Mid Value 144 19.99 4000.07 -0.9078 + 2.2204 +2.72 +3.42 -0.19 +8.99 +5.48
Mid Growth 118 13.25 1041.05 -0.0663 + 2.1243 +1.01 +1.68 -3.77 +2.07 +3.85
Mid-Small 1245 48.80 2399.12 -0.5190 + 2.3774 +1.30 +1.76 -1.88 +5.34 +3.80
Mid-Small Value 962 30.29 4409.91 -0.7680 + 2.5788 +1.99 +2.86 -0.04 +8.96 +4.58
Mid-Small Growth 615 18.51 885.89 -0.1087 + 2.0502 +0.20 +0.03 -4.50 +0.52 +2.57
Small 1044 15.57 2273.57 -0.4011 + 2.7963 -0.22 -0.22 -1.90 +4.27 +1.69
Small Value 818 10.31 4853.23 -0.4957 + 3.2808 +0.60 +1.78 +0.48 +9.05 +2.86
Small Growth 497 5.26 638.41 -0.2152 + 1.8643 -1.77 -3.84 -6.03 -3.39 -0.50
Smallcore 348 10.64 312.39 -0.4121 + 2.4887 -0.58 -0.52 -1.37 +5.48 +1.37
Smallcore Value 260 6.89 502.72 -0.5091 + 3.0773 +0.16 +1.40 +0.68 +9.42 +2.57
Smallcore Growth 180 3.75 101.09 -0.2333 + 1.4322 -1.89 -3.79 -4.64 -0.36 -0.72
Micro 696 4.93 374.86 -0.3774 + 3.4666 +0.56 +0.44 -2.88 +2.03 +2.39
Micro Value 558 3.42 562.63 -0.4685 + 3.6918 +1.50 +2.54 +0.29 +8.58 +3.45
Micro Growth 317 1.51 102.22 -0.1703 + 2.9576 -1.48 -3.98 -9.37 -10.19 +0.06
Prime 996 98.69 2605.52 -0.6496 + 1.7998 -1.13 -0.16 -3.58 +2.48 +1.16
Prime Value 753 51.24 3652.79 -0.8270 + 2.4316 -0.02 +1.71 -0.11 +6.90 +2.40
Prime Growth 524 47.44 1724.14 -0.4572 + 1.1263 -2.29 -2.09 -6.81 -1.54 -0.14

TOTAL RETURN (with dividend income)

Base Date : 31-December-1979 = 100.0
Prime Index Base Date : 30-December-1996 = 1000.0
Smallcore, Micro Index Base Date : 30-December-1999 = 100.0

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