RUSSELL/NOMURA Japan Style Index (Daily Report)

Russell/Nomura Japan Index

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
7-March-2025 28-February-2025
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1296 100.00 615.09 -1.5949 + 0.8145 -3.83 -0.02 -1.05 +0.67 -3.64
Total Value 994 52.25 1330.64 -0.8375 + 1.5215 -2.75 +1.87 +2.15 +4.39 -2.45
Total Growth 655 47.75 251.58 -2.4105 + 0.0521 -4.97 -1.99 -4.09 -2.81 -4.89
Large 251 84.45 593.03 -1.7633 + 0.6778 -3.98 +0.01 -1.33 +0.43 -3.71
Large Value 176 41.94 1241.20 -0.9610 + 1.3375 -2.87 +1.89 +1.97 +3.96 -2.53
Large Growth 157 42.51 265.29 -2.5423 + 0.0353 -5.02 -1.75 -4.17 -2.59 -4.84
Top 50 51.27 486.03 -2.2406 + 0.4469 -5.93 -1.68 -2.58 -1.75 -5.87
Top Value 32 21.91 1195.00 -1.3730 + 1.2417 -5.28 +0.49 +2.12 +1.84 -5.13
Top Growth 39 29.36 223.26 -2.8784 -0.1383 -6.40 -3.22 -5.55 -4.07 -6.41
Mid 201 33.18 812.43 -1.0165 + 1.0370 -0.77 +2.76 +0.81 +3.97 -0.15
Mid Value 144 20.03 1193.07 -0.5062 + 1.4425 -0.09 +3.47 +2.10 +6.41 +0.48
Mid Growth 118 13.15 387.03 -1.7837 + 0.4258 -1.78 +1.71 -0.90 +0.92 -1.09
Mid-Small 1246 48.73 790.93 -0.9062 + 1.2044 -1.50 +1.79 +0.65 +3.35 -1.15
Mid-Small Value 962 30.34 1318.30 -0.4470 + 1.7246 -0.83 +2.89 +2.26 +6.33 -0.41
Mid-Small Growth 616 18.39 329.27 -1.6543 + 0.3582 -2.59 +0.06 -1.67 -0.67 -2.33
Small 1045 15.55 736.20 -0.6700 + 1.5633 -3.04 -0.21 +0.58 +2.10 -3.22
Small Value 818 10.31 1454.80 -0.3320 + 2.2769 -2.24 +1.78 +2.79 +6.32 -2.10
Small Growth 498 5.24 236.88 -1.3281 + 0.1885 -4.55 -3.82 -3.29 -4.71 -5.30
Smallcore 349 10.62 293.31 -0.7169 + 1.2212 -3.37 -0.48 +1.15 +3.36 -3.50
Smallcore Value 260 6.88 447.99 -0.3133 + 1.9705 -2.65 +1.43 +3.00 +6.73 -2.36
Smallcore Growth 181 3.75 104.11 -1.4493 -0.1257 -4.64 -3.72 -1.86 -1.70 -5.48
Micro 696 4.93 344.19 -0.5686 + 2.3087 -2.32 +0.39 -0.47 -0.23 -2.60
Micro Value 558 3.43 488.99 -0.3693 + 2.8965 -1.40 +2.51 +2.56 +5.75 -1.58
Micro Growth 317 1.50 107.07 -1.0231 + 0.9846 -4.33 -4.07 -6.72 -11.46 -4.84
Prime 997 98.69 2067.31 -1.6073 + 0.7980 -3.85 -0.03 -1.05 +0.70 -3.65
Prime Value 753 51.28 2664.99 -0.8444 + 1.5001 -2.77 +1.85 +2.18 +4.38 -2.47
Prime Growth 525 47.41 1483.23 -2.4192 + 0.0495 -4.98 -1.96 -4.07 -2.70 -4.88

PRICE RETURN (without dividend income)

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
7-March-2025 28-February-2025
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1296 100.00 1192.11 -1.5949 + 0.8145 -3.80 +0.15 +0.08 +2.99 -3.60
Total Value 994 52.25 2861.31 -0.8375 + 1.5215 -2.72 +2.04 +3.66 +7.47 -2.41
Total Growth 655 47.75 439.88 -2.4105 + 0.0521 -4.94 -1.82 -3.30 -1.15 -4.85
Large 251 84.45 1153.73 -1.7633 + 0.6778 -3.96 +0.16 -0.22 +2.68 -3.69
Large Value 176 41.94 2692.89 -0.9610 + 1.3375 -2.86 +2.03 +3.48 +6.99 -2.51
Large Growth 157 42.51 467.31 -2.5423 + 0.0353 -5.00 -1.60 -3.38 -0.95 -4.81
Top 50 51.27 975.57 -2.2406 + 0.4469 -5.91 -1.60 -1.50 +0.39 -5.85
Top Value 32 21.91 2664.17 -1.3730 + 1.2417 -5.26 +0.54 +3.65 +4.80 -5.11
Top Growth 39 29.36 410.74 -2.8784 -0.1383 -6.39 -3.11 -4.74 -2.43 -6.39
Mid 201 33.18 1518.04 -1.0165 + 1.0370 -0.75 +3.03 +1.99 +6.43 -0.12
Mid Value 144 20.03 2489.33 -0.5062 + 1.4425 -0.08 +3.73 +3.60 +9.55 +0.51
Mid Growth 118 13.15 641.98 -1.7837 + 0.4258 -1.74 +1.98 -0.12 +2.59 -1.05
Mid-Small 1246 48.73 1487.24 -0.9062 + 1.2044 -1.46 +2.07 +1.85 +5.88 -1.09
Mid-Small Value 962 30.34 2742.40 -0.4470 + 1.7246 -0.79 +3.17 +3.76 +9.51 -0.35
Mid-Small Growth 616 18.39 546.33 -1.6543 + 0.3582 -2.53 +0.33 -0.88 +1.03 -2.27
Small 1045 15.55 1408.64 -0.6700 + 1.5633 -2.94 +0.08 +1.82 +4.80 -3.11
Small Value 818 10.31 3013.86 -0.3320 + 2.2769 -2.14 +2.08 +4.30 +9.61 -2.00
Small Growth 498 5.24 393.76 -1.3281 + 0.1885 -4.45 -3.55 -2.47 -2.90 -5.19
Smallcore 349 10.62 454.71 -0.7169 + 1.2212 -3.29 -0.23 +2.37 +6.02 -3.42
Smallcore Value 260 6.88 732.96 -0.3133 + 1.9705 -2.57 +1.70 +4.50 +9.98 -2.27
Smallcore Growth 181 3.75 146.70 -1.4493 -0.1257 -4.56 -3.50 -1.02 +0.15 -5.40
Micro 696 4.93 546.30 -0.5686 + 2.3087 -2.18 +0.74 +0.81 +2.55 -2.44
Micro Value 558 3.43 822.85 -0.3693 + 2.8965 -1.27 +2.85 +4.10 +9.14 -1.43
Micro Growth 317 1.50 147.77 -1.0231 + 0.9846 -4.17 -3.69 -5.93 -9.73 -4.66
Prime 997 98.69 3346.55 -1.6073 + 0.7980 -3.83 +0.13 +0.08 +3.00 -3.62
Prime Value 753 51.28 4695.23 -0.8444 + 1.5001 -2.75 +2.02 +3.68 +7.45 -2.43
Prime Growth 525 47.41 2212.70 -2.4192 + 0.0495 -4.95 -1.79 -3.27 -1.04 -4.85

TOTAL RETURN (with dividend income)

Base Date : 31-December-1979 = 100.0
Prime Index Base Date : 30-December-1996 = 1000.0
Smallcore, Micro Index Base Date : 30-December-1999 = 100.0

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